Dr. R. Mark Montgomery

Pastor, Author, Friend

Dr. R. Mark Montgomery

Pastor, Author, Friend

Missional Hope

by Dr. Mark Montgomery

Ever misplace your keys? You’ve looked EVERYWHERE! Soon your whole household gets involved. Despair creeps in.

Can you "go" anywhere without your keys?

Then, suddenly….there they are! What a relief.…joy!

Get ready for an insightful infusion of hope on mission with Jesus!

About the Author

Dr. Montgomery is the Director of Nazarene Collegiate Fellowship on the University of Tennessee Knoxville campus, an ordained minister in the Church of the Nazarene, speaker and author.

"As a child of God and devoted follower of Jesus, I am a prayerful, passionate man on mission with God along with His people, learning to love and live well."

He is the founder of the BreakThrough Equipping Network, recruiting and training church planters and coaching pastors in the USA/Canada region, and currently the coordinator of Opportunity Knox, a church planting initiative radiating from his organic work at the University of Tennessee.

About the Author

Dr. Montgomery is the Director of Nazarene Collegiate Fellowship on the University of Tennessee Knoxville campus, an ordained minister in the Church of the Nazarene, speaker and author.

"As a child of God and devoted follower of Jesus, I am a prayerful, passionate man on mission with God along with His people, learning to love and live well."

He is the founder of the BreakThrough Equipping Network, recruiting and training church planters and coaching pastors in the USA/Canada region, and currently the coordinator of Opportunity Knox, a church planting initiative radiating from his organic work at the University of Tennessee.

Missional Hope

Nearly every pastor and layperson can relate to the bewilderment and frustration; leaders can attest to the increased difficulty in attracting unchurched people and leading secularized young adults to Jesus these days. Have we misplaced our “kingdom” keys? Join the whole household of faith in the search for them to fulfill the Great Commission.

Missional Hope is an interesting diagnosis of narcissism in Western culture and contributes to the overall discussion regarding effective evangelism and disciple-making in these perplexing times.

No mere armchair theorist, Mark Montgomery, an experienced church planting leader, shares thoughtful insights and best practices from his doctoral research and current involvement in Christian ministry on secular college campuses—a rather unique perspective to engaging resistant populations and generations with the gospel and apprenticing young adults.

Montgomery notes that his book “offers an accessible, easy-to-digest review of the daunting challenges of reaching the shame-injured, shame-averse, and shame-prone masses who avoid anything that smacks of institutional Christianity.”

Your study of this book could very well revolutionize the way you approach evangelism today. Enjoy the journey!

An Inside Look

An example of chapters included in
Missional Hope

An Inside Look

An example of chapters included in Missional Hope


Original Image: The Entry Door to Beauty, Holiness, and Glory, Being at Home with Father God


Original Sin: The Exit Door to Misery, Brokenness, Darkness, and Estrangement from God


Grace: The Open Door to Restoration Provided in Union with Our Elder Brother/Kinsman Redeemer, Jesus Christ


Atonement: How Salvation Applies to Shame Complexity


Heart: The Latched Door of Freewill and Receptivity


Faith: Gates along on the Journey to Adulthood

From the Author

Praise For Missional Hope

“Mark Montgomery has created a truly excellent book reflecting on the issues of shame as a key focus when considering effective evangelism. It is eminently readable with a style that carries the reader along on a journey of discovery regarding an issue that remains all too unfamiliar for most Christians.  It is genuinely relatable and resonates with real life application. I was captured by the willingness to walk into areas of vulnerability that held direct personal significance."

"The case is built for understanding the real issues surrounding the impact of shame in our contemporary world. It then unpacks what evangelism looks like, and it looks very different, when this issue is considered for the import that it holds. The great practical applications offered will be a gift to the reader that is serious about thinking through the issues of reaching our broken world.” 

- Roland Hearn, Australia New Zealand Field Strategy Coordinator Church of the Nazarene

"In Missional Hope: Unlocking Receptivity in the Narcissistic West, Mark offers a profound, interdisciplinary approach that equips Christian leaders with the tools to engage and mentor emerging adults transformatively. By addressing the complex dynamics of identity, meaning, and purpose within our culture, this book provides realistic hope for the church to navigate these challenging times . I am excited for Christian leaders to embrace Mark's wisdom, especially at this pivotal moment in Western Christianity."

-Dr. Dunwoody, Ireland, Founder of Healthy Rhythms Coaching

"I found Mark's new book, Missional Hope, timely, insightful, helpful, and well-written. The uniquely phrased expressions kept me engaged and thoughtful. We need all the help we can get in engaging our changing world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This work is solidly biblical, theologically accurate, and doctrinally precise. The study questions at the close of each chapter are helpful launching points for any small group exploring productive evangelism methods for breaching the walls of resistance of a self-absorbed culture."

-Dr. Woodie J. Stevens, Disciple Maker, retired Pastor and District Superintendent, former Global Director of Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries (SDMI) in the Church of the Nazarene

More About the Author

Dr. Montgomery earned a Bachelor of Arts, Religion, at Olivet Nazarene University (1981), a Masters of Divinity at Nazarene Theological Seminary (1985), and a Doctor of Ministry degree at Asbury Theological Seminary (2022). His dissertation, How Shame Shapes Church Planting: Exploring Impacts of Gospel Receptivity Among Emerging Adults, was published in 2022.

His current writing project is entitled, Missional Hope: Unlocking Receptivity in the Narcissistic West, and will be released in September, 2024. Dr. Montgomery and his wife, Valarie, have two sons, four grandchildren, and two dachshunds.

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